Theresa Cheung – Precognitive Dreamwork 2022
Discover the science behind precognitive dreaming, and how you can enable your conscious and unconscious to work together to boost and recognize your “true” precognition — gain the knowledge, wisdom, and clarity you need to live a more empowered life and manifest the future you truly want.
What are your dreams telling you about the future?
Perhaps you’ve experienced glimpses into something that’s about to happen… or felt such a strong sense of deja vu that you just know that what you’re experiencing is something you’ve lived through before.
Precognition — unexplained knowledge of a future event or situation — is a phenomenon usually experienced in our nighttime dreams…
According to dream decoding expert Theresa Cheung, precognition is a trait that we can nurture and develop to use in our waking lives for increased clarity and intuition — and one we can trust to help us make better decisions.
In fact, dreaming is a powerful practice for working through life’s challenges, and precognitive dreaming offers one of the most direct paths for discovering ways to create the future you desire.
Over time, the more you nurture your precognition, the more deeply and clearly you will gain self-knowledge and lead a more empowered, soul-led life.
Theresa calls those glimpses into the future from your dreams “nocturnal intuition.” And you can decode this phenomenon for its profound insights into how to heal your past, navigate your present, and better create the future you want.
Even if you don’t presently have precognitive dreams, looking into your dreams can help you develop and nurture your precognitive skills.
In her 7-module video program, you’ll learn practical techniques to uncover and access your psychic abilities, know when you are experiencing true precognition, and ultimately discover how to create the future you truly want.
Each session, Theresa will guide you through inspiring meditations and practices designed to help you with dream memory, tune into your precognitive abilities, and even create precognitive dreams.
During this intuition-opening journey, you’ll:
- Learn the full definition of precognition and the latest science behind this phenomenon
- Discover how precognition differs from coincidence or probability and why gathering your own precognitive proof matters
- Explore your emotions as the building blocks of your dreams
- Pick up new ways to dramatically boost your dream recall and how to set the intention to have a precognitive dream
- Figure out how to interpret messages from your future self in a positive, life-enhancing way
- Discover the benefits of working with precognition, including enhanced self-belief, respect for the present moment, and the ability to sense the future to make better decisions
- Research the science of presentiment, a foreboding intuitive feeling about the future
- Explore the precognitive potential of liminal states and howto induce them
- Learn about psychic dreams, past life dreams, dream telepathy, dream sharing, and remote viewing, and their connection to precognition
- Understand more about time loops — how time is experienced as circular or repetitive until a precognition heeded and acted upon breaks the pattern
- Discover the precognition-enhancing potential of lucid dreaming (knowing that you’re dreaming while you’re asleep), with practical tools and techniques to empower your precognitive dreams
- Experience guided meditations and practices that help you fully commit to your inner precognitive in a positive and life enhancing way
- And much more…
Theresa is one of the world’s leading dream decoders. She’s researched the paranormal for 25 years and written over 40 books related to the science of cognition and intuition.
When you join Theresa for this introductory precognition course, you’ll learn how to fall in love with your dreams…
… and through those dreams, develop a greater connection to your own soul, deepening your intuitive knowledge and learning to love yourself in new ways.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Theresa will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully nurture your precognitive dreams, increase clarity and intuition, and manifest the future you truly want.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Theresa. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to nurture your precognitive dreams, increase clarity and intuition, and manifest the future you truly want.
Module 1: Tap Into Your Precognitive Insights to Create the Future You Desire
In our first session, you’ll learn how precognition works — and you’ll jump right into the future with an imagined scenario of a world where precognition is an everyday phenomenon.
Theresa will dispel myths and confusion surrounding precognition and share about the incredible emerging science proving that our sixth sense is in our waking and sleeping DNA just waiting to be activated.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the true definition of precognition and the latest science behind this phenomenon
- Discover how precognition differs from coincidence or probability and why gathering your own precognitive proof matters
- Learn how and why empowering your precognitive sense can empower all areas of your life
- Discover how the majority of precognitive experiences are revealed in dreams and how all dreams have precognitive elements
- Learn proven ways to dramatically boost your dream recall and how to set the intention to have a precognitive dream
- Discover the optimum way to record precognitive dreams
- Experience a guided meditation to tune into your precognitive abilities
Module 2: Hone Your Precognitive Skills to Envision & Shape the Future You Want
What if you could receive information or a “pull” from the future in your dreams and when awake? You can! And these messages can greatly influence how you create your future.
In this class, you’ll explore what time is — from a scientific point of view as well as a philosophical one — and how the flow of time works with a look at mental time travel, looking backward and forward in time in the present.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how to identify precognitive elements in your dreams
- Explore your emotions as the building blocks of your dreams
- Discover the language and significance of disproportion in your dreams
- Understand how to tell the difference between anxiety and precognition and wishful thinking and precognition
- Discover how to create a precognitive dream and an afterlife dream, and share your impressions (if you’d like )
- Explore how time traveling dreamwork not only predicts but quite literally creates your future
- Do a Backward Thinking Exercise to incubate a precognitive dream
Module 3: Boost Your Precognitive Characteristics & Learn to Decode Your Dreams to Interpret Messages From Your Future Self
What are the personality traits of precognitives, and what can you do to boost your innate capacity to “see” the future in both your dreams and when you’re awake?
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the 5 key personality traits of people who are precognitive — and what to do if you don’t tick all the personality trait boxes
- Find out your unique precognitive dream speak, which is mostly symbolic, rather than literal
- Learn basic precognitive dream decoding skills that you can use for the rest of your life
- Explore the similarities between dreamwork and self-understanding and the vital role both play in boosting precognition
- Learn how to interpret messages from your future self in a positive, life-enhancing way
- Explore how your nighttime dreams and waking life are intricately interconnected
- Discover the benefits of working with precognition, including enhanced self-belief, respect for the present moment, and the ability to sense the future to make better decisions
- Experience a powerful exercise to connect your conscious and unconscious selves for better precognition
- Experience a guided meditation to befriend your past, present, and future selves
Module 4: Explore Psychic Dreams, Past Life Dreams, Dream Telepathy, Dream Sharing & Remote Viewing to Boost Your Precognition to Understand When Your Body Senses the Future
In this class, you’ll explore past life and other psychic dreams and the fascinating benefits of remote viewing, the paranormal ability to perceive a remote subject using only the mind.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the science of presentiment, a foreboding intuitive feeling about the future
- Explore the precognitive potential of liminal states and howto induce them
- Learn about psychic dreams, past life dreams, dream telepathy, dream sharing, and remote viewing, and their connection to precognition
- Consider how and why your body always senses the future first
- Take part in a scientifically controlled precognition exercise to test your awareness of your innate precognition and gain confidence in it
- Experience a short guided meditation to help you tune into your body’s future sense
Module 5: Utilize Your Big Dreams to Increase Synchronicity & Manifest the Life You’ve Always Wanted
Your precognitive dreams depicting what you want to attract into your life are a clear sign that your big dreams really can come true — your unconscious already believes that you are very close to success.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn about time loops — how time is experienced as circular or repetitive until a precognition heeded and acted upon breaks the pattern
- Explore time loops in movies and how they can help simplify your understanding of the mysterious nature of time
- Discover how tuning into your long self daily provides glimpses into your past, present, and future selves
- Learn to use your dreams as the ultimate creativity and fulfillment manifesting tool
- Explore Jung’s theory of synchronicity or meaningful coincidences, and explore why this is healing and empowering
- Practice how you can live out an aspect of your dream and why this is so powerful in heightening precognition
- Experience a guided visualization to help you live the desirable future revealed in your dreams
Module 6: Become a Dream Oracle to Manifest Abundance, Resolve Conflict With Others & Gain Insight Into Choices You Need to Make
In this class, you’ll learn how to create healing and empowering dreams for yourself and others to gain insights for resolving health issues or conflict, manifesting career possibilities, choosing partners and friends, and making important material purchases like a home or car.
In this module, you’ll:
- Become your own dream oracle and then learn how to become one for another person
- Discover the precognition-enhancing potential of lucid dreaming (knowing that you’re dreaming while you’re asleep), with practical tools and techniques to empower your precognitive dreams
- Explore the power of nightmares to help you face your fears about the future
- Learn about precognition-boosting self-help tools, including teas, scents, crystals, sounds, and more
- Experience what it’s like to dream up solutions on behalf of another course participant, and share your feedback
- Experience a guided visualization to encounter your shadow in precognitive dreams and how to this can be a profound approach to healing
Module 7: Gain New Tools for Your Future as a Precognitive & Learn to Cultivate Better Sleep for Vibrant Health & Wellbeing
Will time travel ever become an everyday reality? What is the future of precognition research?
In this class, you’ll flash-forward into the future to glimpse some of the exciting precognitive possibilities on the horizon.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discuss the dream oracle exercise from the previous module, focusing on the grand stage on which dreams take place
- Explore the world of sleep through the rhythms of the night and day
- Look at sleep as a sacred ritual, and how this can boost your precognition
- Discover insomnia cures using dreamwork
- Explore sleep rhythms and lunar living, and how to work with both to empower your precognitive potential
- Discover the sacred and life-changing power of early morning waking and short versus long dreams
- Explore the ethics behind precognition
- Experience a guided meditation to fully commit to your inner precognitive in a positive and life-enhancing way
- Create your precognition checklist for moving forward
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