Shiloh Sophia – The Dance of the Critic & the Muse
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-step transformational journey, Shiloh will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to tame your Inner Critic, rewire your neural pathways, and open you to authentic self-expression.
This course will feature Video Teachings and Muse Salons with Shiloh, plus guided experiential practices. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to heal old wounds and bring more pleasure and clarity into your life.
Module 1: Gate of AWAKENING
Encounter the Gatekeeper

A new voice awaits you… Will you dare to listen with the ears you only sometimes use?
Have you been curating your consciousness or is it forming without your consent? Your mind has been shaped by what you hear, take in, and give meaning to, but how can YOU help “shape” your own mind?
Unlocking Gate 1 is an initiation into waking up and becoming conscious about how your inner voice works and how to take charge of the stories you tell about yourself.
At Gate 1, you’ll:
- Prepare for a New Inner Guide: Become conscious of how much impact your Inner Critic has had on you, and get ready for a much needed “change in management”
- Shift Your Neural Pathways: Learn the science behind “making form,” as you explore and play with what is actually happening in your brain when you create… You’ll learn to shape your brain by choice!
- Explore Image & Language: Discover the powerful, mindful practice of Intentional Creativity® and how your local and non-local mind collaborate to help you form insights
- Learn Metacognitive Drawing: Become conscious of thinking and feeling, while you’re moving the pen, to awaken your brain for the journey and ignite co-creation
- Awaken to Your Inner Voice: Encounter the Critic and the Muse within you and engage in an internal narrative to hear what you’re truly saying
- Transform Your Story: Explore the story that is “running you” and enter into a relationship and dialogue with your Gatekeeper
- Heal Your Imagination: Explore what’s needed by the Muse to help you experience your true Self and flow state expression
- Cross the Veil of Form: Make the invisible visible through drawing as an embodied experience to expand your connection to your inner world
- Inquire Into Dreaming: Explore the part of your dream that wants to come forward, and embody its feeling tone, which your Inner Critic may have been hiding
- Meet Your Inner Narrator: Discover how you listen to your soul’s voice, and why what you’ve been doing isn’t silencing your Critic’s “attacks,” so you can start to shape your own inner narrative
Module 2: Gate of ACTIVATION
Integrate Your Inner & Outer Worlds

Who looks out from your eyes? Who is it that is doing the seeing? Will you dare to look yourself in the face and see who lives there?
We are all images, we even see our self as an image… And at the root of an image is imagination. So, how you think about yourself and your self-image are then quite integral to one another.
Yet, seemingly magically, how you perceive yourself, you’ll discover, shifts as you integrate your inner and outer worlds, dissolving the illusion of separation.
In this module, you’ll discover how Intentional Creativity works within your brain and neural pathways to make change — you’ll think it, inquire into it, draw it, see it, move it, know it, be it, and share it.
You’ll develop a somatic wisdom of the Muse and Critic as an integrated voice. They’ll continue to move separately, yet, you’ll strengthen the voice and vision of the Muse, while also becoming aware of the overtones of the Critic, and learn to make distinctions between the two.
You’ll experience an expanded sense of freedom and capacity to invite the Muse in, and bring an idea into form.
At Gate 2, you’ll:
- Hear Shiloh’s Story: How she almost gave up being an artist based on not being talented. The Critic almost won!
- Discover Your “Content”: Find out where your own “information” lives, and finally have full access to your own imagery
- Declare Your Creative Being Creed: Step into seeing yourself as creative, and begin to experience yourself as a creative being — having nothing to do with your skills or talents or hobbies, just simply because you are
- Receive a Call to Make Form: What have you been wanting to make happen that just won’t get off the ground? What have you been avoiding? What has the Critic been keeping from you that you can now more towards?
- Experience Activate Integration : Create a connection between the inner and outer self, crossing an invisible barrier that has kept you trapped, and forging a conscious connection between your inner and outer eyes — a distinction that’s been holding you captive.
- Grasp Da Vinci’s Imprensiva: Discover the science of how your eyes “perceive” information, and explore energy and matter, inner and outer, particle and wave, to assist you with integration.
- Expand Your Feelings of Freedom: Discover how play and curiosity strengthen the relationship with the Muse.
- Experience Intentional Creativity: Experience the power of creating with intention and how it influences the outcomes and potency of what you focus on.
Module 3: Gate of ALCHEMY
Transform the Critic Into Fierce Wisdom

In the studio of the Alchemist, we encounter the Phoenix… Will we dare to set fire to our own nest? Miracles can change Critics into Muses, if we pay close attention…
The inner voice of the Critic is alchemized into fierce wisdom through your choice to be at CAUSE for transformation.
In this module, you’ll experience increased freedom from and healing of your old stories. You’ll make room for transformation through the emotional burning up of lies you’ve told yourself and the emergence of self-expression.
You’ll meet the Critic and the Muse at the Gate of the physical and non-physical mind, and engage in a cosmic and ancient wrestling match.
Who will win?
Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, so you’ll have access to lots of “power tools.” You’ll use them to make a change and keep that change in your evolution — moving away from stuck energy and stagnation and into powerful real-time action.
You’ll be creating a connection between two places that were cut off, but are now becoming integrated — this is how healing happens.
At Gate 3, you’ll:
- Lick the Fire: Poetry invites you to encounter your Phoenix story. Are you willing to surrender your old stories to make room for what’s new and ready to emerge?
- Discover the Science of Creating: Explore and experience the impacts of creativity on the brain, heart, and body
- Play Deeply: Dive into a wrestling match with the Critic and the Muse to understand how much impact their conflicts have had on all of your stories
- Experience Transformational Rituals: Name the lies, and experience a cathartic ritual of transformation and letting go
- Direct Flaming Arrows & Flowing Spirals: Learn to move between energies and symbols, and not have them cancel each other out, to see how the Critic and the Muse have their roles to play — but that you’re the one in charge
- Create an Alchemical Affirmation: Discover transformational affirmation as a practice for deepening the work and warding off Critic attacks!
- Engage in Visual Knowledge: Watch your ideas collapse from a quantum superposition into form to illustrate a point — something that may have been invisible will become visible
- Go on a Date With Your Muse: Document what happens and share it with us!
Module 4: Gate of COLLABORATION
Embody Your New Story

If you are 93 percent stardust, what is the other 7 percent, and what does it have to do with your voice? AND, what can happen if the Critic and the Muse actually begin to dance?
In this module, you’ll experience an initiation into conscious collaboration and co-creation — with you becoming the true author of your own life story.
You’ll step into a “gorgeous weave” connected with your identity and your own greatness –– your own alchemical robe! A powerful ritual through which to gather your own energy.
Ritual is often an invisible part of transformation work –– we engage in it, but not always with conscious intent. Even what you wear and how you organize your desk or studio is part of the physical ritual that creates the space you work in.
At this Gate, through conscious ritual, you’ll gather yourself together, and dive into what healing fragmentation and inviting in wholeness looks and feels like. You’ll enter into a spaciousness that allows for greater coherency and new possibilities to arise — in how you create AND in how you live your life.
At Gate 4, you’ll:
- Experience Poetry Meditation: When everything you think you know changes, what becomes possible?
- Engage in a Collaboration Ritual: Experience and curate an integration between often fragmented parts of yourself — your inner and outer worlds, physical matter and energy, and the field — the visible and invisible
- Don Your Alchemical Robe: As you are drawing, something is also happening within you. This imaginary robe is used to help clear your field — you put it on when you need it
- Learn the Creative Phases: Discover the 4 Phases of Creativity, and how Intentional Creativity elaborates and focuses on your experience of creating, instead of on what you make and how good you think it is — or isn’t
- The Muse on Electrons: Create with the idea of electrons catching thoughts in mid air
- Immerse Yourself in Deep Listening: Hear the voice of the Muse, perhaps clearly for the first time
- Adventure With Your Muse: Take an adventure out in the world, a Muse date that will surprise and delight you
Module 5: Gate of EMERGENCE
Catalyze Your Archetype

Who are you, really? Who is inhabiting this vessel of Self?
What hidden default settings have been keeping you back?
Will you invite Mystery to tea?
Your Inner Critic is often hiding who you are from you, and you don’t even know it. And, since most of us aren’t living out who we truly are in our lives, we don’t have a lot of practice BEING who we are…
Yet, when you can hear your voice more clearly, there’s the opportunity for your truest archetype (or Self) to emerge…
In this module, you’ll step into the spaciousness of the heart and discover how that can inform your presence — allowing you to really feel it, know it, and embody it in a full and loving way you might not have experienced before.
You’ll explore the five major choices which can impact your identity and every relationship you’re in — choices that often remain hidden, yet create the framework for how you live your life — your default settings.
This is where the Critic hangs out, but you’re going to inspire new choices by engaging with consciousness and the great mystery as it relates to your own sacred identity.
Who you are only free to become, when you no longer confuse the voice of your Inner Critic for the authentic voice of your soul.
At Gate 5, you’ll:
- Invoke the Heart: The poetry of the Festival of the Open Heart invites you to step into your life and yourself, and no longer put yourself last
- Take Charge: Explore your hidden default settings and recalibrate them to powerful choices that reflect who you know yourself to be
- Find Your Flow: Experience the flow state of emergence. What does it feel like to initiate a state change in the moment? Your imagination begins to work in new and exciting ways!
- Explore Your Archetypal Identity: Move through the 5 choices that impact every area of your entire life and every single relationship
- Deepen Your Understanding of Visual Knowledge: Learn how to make knowledge visual, so you can see it and create it for yourself
- Transform Your Internal Narrative: Claim the reality that you are influencing your internal narrative through writing from and strengthening a new voice
Module 6: Gate of INSPIRATION
Claim Your Voice & Vision as Your Own

Will you allow the Muse to open the hidden window of your soul?
What long-caged craving is asking to be spoken into existence?
Will you dare to awaken the temple of sensation?
In this module, you’re invited to step fully into being the author of your voice and vision. When you can access your own source of inspiration, your capacity to hear and live from your soul-truth becomes possible.
Most of us didn’t know we have access, or that we’ve inadvertently blocked the way. And, unless we address our Inner Critic’s patterns, we won’t know how to get to where the Muse and our creativity live.
This is where we take the leap from concept into embodiment. We have to “move in” to our bodies to have a life infused with the Muse!
The Muse is the keeper of our inner Temple of Sensation… Often we are shut down in our bodies, not able to truly feel and invite pleasure. Yet, without pleasure and sensation, the Muse will simply not show up to the party.
What would it be like to be able to be turned on by choice, by amusing ourselves instead of waiting for inspiration to strike? That’s what this module will invite…
You’ll engage deeply in what’s possible when the Muse and Critic are dancing together as one voice, instead of two seperate ones. From here, everything is possible!
At Gate 6, you’ll:
- Engage With Awe: Discover how to re-orient yourself to the universe
- Invite Ecstasy: What have we been numb to and in a fog about that can be moved into pure bliss?
- Receive the Temple of Sensation: Dive into the 5 senses you know about and discover senses you didn’t know you had (including a few below the belt)
- Seek the Muse: Engage in inquiry with the Muse from the space of truly feeling
- Convert Access to Self-Expression: Experience the FEELING of self-expression and take note of what has changed in the voice when pleasure enters the story.
Module 7: Gate of BELONGING
An Initiation of Reclamation

What is the muse requesting of you?
What doors and windows have flown open and invited you in?
Will you dare to claim the transformation at hand?
This is the movement the soul has been seeking for so long. Self-expression is one of the keys to healing the past, living in the present fully embodied, and authoring a fascinating future.
It’s about fearless belonging… To yourself. To your life work. To the universe. To one another.
We belong here… When we are self-expressed, we come to life through living and into belonging.
In this module, you’re invited to a ritual of choosing to belong… to belong to yourself and your life. You’re invited to claim your voice and vision as your own.
AND to choose connection to the spaciousness of soul, living in a body where there’s communication flowing between all the spaces: mind, body, and field — all in collaboration and communication.
At Gate 7, you’ll:
- Acknowledge: Claim the transformation that you’ve received during our experience. What has changed for you? Has the voice and vision of your soul expanded and opened in new ways — and where is that calling you in your life? Has the practice of Intentional Creativity opened new domains of consciousness?
- Step Into Belonging: Create your own bed of roses, an experience of self-blessing with drawing and naming a sacred space for yourself. Honoring YOU and your place in the world. CHOOSE to move into your own body and life in a way you never have before.
- Define the Path Ahead: Chart your next steps in exploring self-expression — what calls you now? Will there be a new practice of self-expression happening in your life? Will you dedicate time and resources to diving deeper into the work? Perhaps you’ll even choose to paint your Muse! Let’s make a plan of action to make these transformations real in your life!
- Complete in Beauty: Let’s celebrate how far we have come! Receive the Tree of Life Blessing as your completion prayer from your course guide, Shiloh Sophia
The Critic & Muse Bonus Collection
In addition to Shiloh’s transformative 7-step adventure, you’ll receive this exclusive collection featuring some of today’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will promise to enliven journey — and enrich and deepen your experience.
Messages From the Muse
Video Painting Class From Shiloh Sophia

Who lives in here? Have you heard the voice of your Muse speaking to you from the quiet spaces of your mind? Calling to you to listen… In this step-by-step class, using watercolor paper with acrylic or watercolor paint and pen, Shiloh Sophia invites you to have tea with your Muse. You will work with two pages, learning how to create a simple painted face, and then receive a letter from your Muse.
Colorful Scars
Video Class From Shiloh Sophia

Colorful Scars is a class designed to free your hidden stories in an Intentional Creativity process. You’re invited to:
- Create a map of your hidden scars so you can claim and name them
- Weave a pattern of integration, transformation, and resiliency
- Get conscious about your impact and how you will use your voice
- Release trauma through ritual, stretching, and breathing
- Lay down your shame and over-responsibility for your wounds
- Choose color to bring life to your scars and their teachings
- Claim your resiliency and identify the next steps to move forward
No experience needed — just bring colored markers and paper, or watercolor paper. You can also paint if you’d like.
Creativity & Healing
Video Dialogue With Shiloh Sophia and Chief Luisah Teish

Luisah Teish took a class with Shiloh Sophia over 10 years ago and something happened that changed everything for both women. In this hour-long video conversation, these two artists come together to explore the seat of inspiration.
Yoruba Chief Luisah Teish, a priestess of the West African river goddess Oshun, is an acclaimed spiritual leader as well as author of the witty, provocative, and highly acclaimed Jambalaya: The Natural Women’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals, as well as Carnival of the Spirit and Jump Up! She’s a woman of wide-ranging talents — writer, storyteller, educator, performer, ritualist, and playwright, to name only a few. Chief Teish serves as faculty at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, New College of California, and California Institute of Integral Studies. She’s a regular guest lecturer at John F. Kennedy University, Naropa Institute, and Institute of Noetic Sciences, as well as many other venues, and teaches an ongoing “Soulwork for Sisters” series in Berkeley and Oakland.
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