Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Seminar
How To Write Great Copy…Without Needing To Be A Great “Copywriter”
World’s most secretive 7-figure copywriter reveals how he does it…and why you can, too.
Here are a few examples of some of the more obscure.-known secrets you’ll find on these CD’s:
The secret method almost nobody uses to legally and ethically make legal decisions “magic pill” Advertisements that make claims
How to use an ordinary cooler water cooled “pre-test” The response-The power of your headlines.
Two proven “cures” Writer’s block. The first is to do a lot research. The second one is much easier…and can be found at your corner grocery store.)
Amazing “wealth attraction” Two secrets of ex-communist military-trained killers. This is the secret to their success. Ken’s multi-million dollar “System Seminar” business. You don’t need to know how to market, sell, or advertise. It’s possible.
How to get people to instantly stop and read your email pitches — even if you have a weak subject line.
How to obtain binders filled with glowing customer testimonials, without having to resort to “shameless bribes” Oder begging.
Why personalizing your emails with your prospect’s name can hurt your response. You can also do it faster and more easily.
How to be a stickler even in the most hyper-competitive environments-Competitive and Over-Saturated markets
To get the most qualified prospects to reply, this is where you should put your order link.
How to use a journalist’s “hidden guilt” To get your product featured in mass media (every reporter does).
Amazing joint venture secrets Ken This is used to quickly create a million.-dollar business…without even selling anything.
Writing a weak headline can increase your response dramatically
How do you create? “emotional memories” So people remember you and your business, you must also include the name of your product.
A simple auto-Responder secret (often used for “Dear Abby” column) Only a handful of very skilled marketers have managed to quickly conquer niches.
Dan Kennedy discovered a very effective sales letter that whips people. “on the fence” Consider ordering into a virtual buying frenzy.
How to Use the “left over” headlines and bullet points (you can’t use in your ad) to drive more traffic to your products, websites and business.
How to sell products and services in your emails…without sending anyone to a sales pitch.
An incredibly simple copywriting secret (Ken This was discovered by watching a paranoid schizophrenia patient. It makes it ten times easier to research your ads.
How to use simple cartoons to explode your sales…no matter what you sell or who you sell to. (For example, you’d be amazed at how easily a picture of a phone operator with her headset on can jack up your response!)
Why not start the business name with the letter? “A” can sometimes drive your sales through the roof…even if you do nothing but wait for the phone to ring.
An enormously profitable sales tactic (discovered in a popular William Shakespeare play) that makes your customers willing to move heaven and earth to order your product…
Even If They Didn’t Originally Want It.
It sounds impossible?
Yes. But it’s 100% real. And if you’re not using this simple secret in your ads…then you’re leaving a TON of money on the table.
Download it immediately Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Seminar
How to use your accountant without spending a dime to increase your sales “help.”
How to “nurture” You can keep your customer list up to date without even sending one email or letter.
How to make your deadlines more urgent and powerful by using your local phone company
A secret way to use your prospects’ natural bad memory to boost the response and sales of your ads.
This simple direct mail tip (which almost nobody mentions) can instantly increase the sales of your email marketing campaigns.
How to get your competition to help you sell your products and services…without them even knowing about it!
An ordinary punctuation mark that’s killing your response right now…whether you realize it or not.
How to use your “mission statement” to increase your sales…even if nobody reads it.
How to get rid of prostate problems without having to take off your pants. (This has nothing to do with copywriting…but millions of guys have this problem, and it’s discussed in this seminar.)
This is a simple, but effective, way to market your products and services using just one word.
An exclusive look at a simple copywriting skill so powerful that, when you learn it…
You’ll Never Worry About Writing Copy Again.
This secret is nearly 100 years old.
Ken While chatting with Eugene Schwartz (famous copywriter), I picked it up.
Most copywriters (even those who charge a small fortune to write a single ad) don’t really understand it. And the few that do almost never explain exactly how it’s done.
How to test multiple versions of your Internet Sales Letter quickly without spending a lot or needing to be “computer literate.”
How to get your prospects to order RIGHT NOW…without using phony “must order by midnight” Deadlines or other silly gimmicks can turn people off.
Very little-There are secrets to order forms that will double your response time in just five minutes.
John Wayne’s clever selling technique made him one of the most popular movie stars. (Ken paid for his house — with cash — using this one secret alone!)
It is easy to find out which email addresses are responding to direct mail offers.
How to make your strongest claims even more powerful…by toning them down.
One famous copywriter sold hundreds of millions of books via mail order using the Holy Bible’s copywriting secrets.
The “BizLearning Guide” Secret (used by Wall Street money wizards and Hollywood moguls) that allows you to accurately predict the profit potential of your ideas, before you spend any money.
How to sell boring products and services using boiling anger
How to use music to get new business in your door…no matter what you sell.
This is a powerful method used by 7-Up and Apple Computers) to get people to revolt from your competition — and flock to you, your business and your products.
How to use direct mail to dramatically beef up the response of your email promotions…without even mailing any letters.
There’s more. There are many more.
How to use an annoying FTC law to your advantage and make even more sales…How to make your product automatically go “viral”…A secret way to sell your products so you have almost zero refunds…And a simple, “fool proof” Method, recently discovered by a Harvard psychologist, of knowing instantly which teacher. “guru”, client, or joint venture partner…
This is How You Will Be Screwed Over.
You won’t find this secret anywhere else……..
Here’s what you’ll get in Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Seminar
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