Bashar – 2022-08-27 – The Gray Zone
Bashar’s “The Gray Zone” from August 27, 2022, explores the concept of the Gray Zone as a state of transition or ambiguity in personal and collective evolution. The session delves into how to navigate this intermediate space between established patterns and new possibilities, offering insights on adapting to change, making decisions, and embracing transformation in various aspects of life.
Metaphysical Misunderstandings
Recorded August 27, 20,22
New definitions of limiting and outdated metaphysical ideas
What are the Akashic Records? What is reincarnation? What is a Walk?-in? Is there another person in your body when you channel them? In The Gray Zone, Bashar These outdated metaphysical concepts will be addressed. He will address the common misunderstandings between different factions on Earth as well as the transition we are going through in expanding consciousness and spirituality. In The Gray Zone, Bashar We will discuss new definitions of limiting and outdated metaphysical ideas we may have outgrown. We can also use this information as a guide to making better choices about which realities we wish to experience, as we move into open contact.
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