Luisa Zhou – DONE
Luisa Zhou’s “DONE” program is an intensive course designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners streamline their processes and achieve their business goals more efficiently. The course provides actionable strategies for improving productivity, delegating tasks, and managing time effectively. It focuses on eliminating distractions and building systems that allow for smoother operations and faster achievement of business objectives, ensuring participants can focus on what matters most and get things done.
- Does it feel like you can never make enough progress in your business even though you’re always working working working…and yet your business never seems to grow enough and your to-do list never seems to get any shorter?
- Do you wish you simply had more time to get everything done?
- Do you wonder where the week has gone even though you’ve barely made any progress?
- Do you feel so overwhelmed by your to-do’s that you procrastinate…maybe even by writing detailed to-do lists and schedules that only leave you feeling even more overwhelmed…until you feel so paralyzed by everything you have to do that you don’t even know where to start?
- Does it feel impossible to do everything you need in order to actually grow your business? (Especially in between your job, your family, or maybe even other businesses?)
- Do you find yourself wondering…“If it’s taking me this much work in my business now, how am I ever going to be able to grow it to where I want to be?”
If you feel like you’ve already tried every “trick” and “tip” available to improve your productivity, but they don’t seem to be helping…
And you could scream if even one more person tells you the “secret” is to wake up at 4AM…
BUT, you also know something’s gotta change—or else you’re on a one-way road to burnout, hating your business (and life), feeling guilty for all the time you’re taking away from your loved ones, and yet, despite all that, still not having the business you want…
I’ve got just the thing for you.
(And no, it’s not another sounds-good-but-actually-useless “productivity” tip.)
“I” being Luisa Zhou. And these being the facts:
I built my first online business to 6-figures…on the side…while working a very demanding 9-to-5 (at a tech start-up…with start-up hours).
Nowadays, I run as a coaching/course business that takes less than 20 hours a week of my time. And as of the creation of this training, I’m also in the process of launching two other businesses later this year.
What’s more, over the past near-decade, I’ve personally helped over 1,000 people successfully start and grow their own businesses… while balancing young kids, busy jobs, advanced degrees, other businesses, lots of personal travel, and more. In other words: Having plenty of time for everything else in their life.
And I’ve done/do all of this while requiring at least nine hours of sleep every night. ?
Suffice it to say, I’m not a “productivity” expert by any means. But I am an expert at getting business DONE.
And today, I’m going to share how you too can master this skill—and the time-freeing, income-increasing results that come with it.
Let’s start with addressing the elephant in the room…
What exactly is the difference between being productive and getting business DONE?
The truth is…these are actually two completely different things.
Because building a business is not about being more “productive” or more “efficient.”
It’s about being more effective.
In other words…
It’s not about trying to find more time by depriving yourself of sleep or time with your loved ones.
And it’s not about trying to achieve impossible levels of discipline or focus either.
What it’s actually about…
Is knowing how to best leverage the time you do have, no matter how limited…and getting the most (in terms of business results and growth) out of it.
Unfortunately, this isn’t something most entrepreneurs talk about. Because most of them have also been taught that the only way to succeed is to work non-stop until hopefully it all pays off…someday.
Sure, that’s one way to go about it—the “brute force” way.
But, if you’re tired of that and know it’s not sustainable, smart, or the way you want to live…
Let me show you the much smarter—not to mention much more profitable—way.
This is a detailed, 4-part video training breaking down the entire DONE process I’ve used to build a 6-figure business on the side, run a 7-figure coaching/course business in less than 20 hours a week—and help busy parents, employees, business owners, and more grow their own businesses more than they thought possible…while also finally having plenty of time to live their life.
In short, whether you’re in a busy 9-to-5 and working your side hustle, or are a full-time business owner wanting to grow your business faster, I’ll show you how by sharing my best business, time, relationship, and personal management tips to get more done while working less.
Here’s what you’ll learn with the DONE process…
Doing it all differently (a better way)
- The “Rule of One” that’ll have you 10’xing your business growth…in just a fraction of the time. (This is my “secret” for building a 6-figure business in less than 4 months…while working a job. And then a 7-figure business in less than a year)
- The “anti-productivity” technique that’ll actually have you getting way more done in your business…while requiring a lot less time, and stress!
- What to do when you’re not feeling productive so that you’re able to jump back into your business recharged and get more done…without feeling guilty or wasting more time
- Why trying to be “efficient” is actually the #1 enemy of getting things done in your business…and the AHA that’ll ensure you never again stress about not getting enough done—so that you can finally enjoy your business and grow much faster too
- The one question that’ll help you determine the perfect amount of time to spend on something—so you create the best quality work while not spending a minute more than you need to on it
Opportunities over to-do’s
- How I choose which business strategies to focus on and when…thus virtually guaranteeing they’ll “work” for me when I use them (This is how I ensure I never waste time on something that won’t work for me, and the reason why I’ve never had to give up on a strategy after starting it)
- The only two types of to-do’s that matter when it comes to growing your business. (At least until you’re well past 7-figures. In the meantime, you’ll have a much smoother and faster time getting there once you start organizing your to-do’s this way)
- The only “metric” you need to prioritize your to-do’s so you can get them under control and take back charge of how you spend your time…so that you can once and for all get off that “hamster wheel” of trying to finish a never-ending to-do list
- The #1 criteria to use when deciding when to do something…so that you always know when to do what at the perfect time in your business, and thus grow it in the fastest, most profitable way possible
- How to grow your business every day no matter how little time you have or how busy you are. (This is how I was able to grow my business even when I was in a job and some days only had 20 minutes, or less, to work on my business)
A New way of working
- A powerful technique that’ll help you get what you need to done—no matter how busy your job is, how little time you have, how “imperfect” your working conditions are, or how much you don’t feel like working…so that you’re able to build a business that works for YOU instead of the other way around
- A 5-minute exercise that could clear your calendar by 25% or more. (The first time I stumbled upon this exercise, I was able to delete 5+ hours of work—in a week—off my calendar)
- How to finish anything you want, including time-consuming content creation, in whatever amount of time you want—or have. (This is how I was able to go from spending hours on each task to knowing with confidence I could get anything done in 30 minutes or less. BY THE WAY: This has nothing to do with the thing itself or getting faster at it)
- The “Diver” mindset that’ll have you getting more done than you ever thought possible—because you’ll no longer be held back by overthinking or “perfection paralysis”—which means you’ll be able to grow your business so much faster (This is how I was able to create 20+ best-in-class courses with ease…some in as little as a week!)
- What you can learn from one of Oprah’s personal principles to own your time—and in the process, set yourself up for true freedom…of time and money
- My personal scheduling policies that allow me to run a 7-figure coaching/course business…while having no more than 10 meetings a month (that includes all meetings—with clients, team members, potential business partners, and more)
- How to provide amazing customer service and help your clients get the best results while also protecting your own time. (Once you do this you’ll never again feel like you “have” to go over on coaching calls or dread supporting your clients because it feels so overwhelming and draining…which will also allow you to make more sales with ease because you’re actually enjoying your work and feeling confident in the value you’re providing)
- How to handle time bullies—haters, trolls, and unreasonable customers—with grace and strength…including an actual email we sent to an especially unreasonable customer who threatened to “ruin our reputation” if we didn’t give in to their demands
- Have your team, audience, loved ones, and everyone around you supporting you in getting things done—instead of being a drain on your time—so you grow your business faster, keep more profits, and have more free time
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