Patrick James – The Magnetic Personality Formula Re-Loaded
The 3 “Secret Keys” To Unlocking A
Magnetic Personality That Naturally Attracts
Women In Less Than 60 Seconds…
…EVEN IF You Are Introverted or Don’t Know How To “Flirt” Right Now
Quick story. Every word, completely relevant to you…
From: Patrick James
(Scottsdale, AZ)
“I think you’re out of my league…”
She muttered those 7 words as we stood there, in a secluded corner of my favorite Las Vegas nightclub…
And when I looked in her eyes to see if she was serious…
She glanced down. Her cheeks turned rose-red. And in that moment I KNEW…
The 3 Keys worked like gangbusters.
You see, just MINUTES before we were complete strangers…
And now, this famous Instagram model had her arms wrapped around me, and was whispering sweet nothings into my ear!
Now let me ask you a serious question…
Have you ever found yourself hoping WISHING you had
better ‘game’ with women?
Patrick James here, and 5 years ago, when the story above happened to me…
I had almost given up on this whole “get good with girls” thing… I was fed up!
Let me know you can relate to these situations…
You constantly 3rd or 5th wheel your “couple” friends…
The girl you want loses interest once she finds out how you feel about her…
You often attract the girls you don’t want, while the ones you’re actually attracted to go home with someone else…
The girl you’re seeing tends to always have the “power” in your relationship with her…
You feel like you’re starting from scratch every time you go out, and spend 4 hours cold-approaching dozens of women every Friday or Saturday night…
… And to what end?
No matter how many “playfully challenging” lines you memorize, you almost always end up back in your bed alone. Frustrated. Wondering…
“When the hell am I ever going to get mine?!”
Truth is, even though today, my brand #RawDatingAdvice helps thousands of men attract and date the women of their choice…
I haven’t always been the go-to guy when it comes to this stuff.
Not long ago, I was exactly where you are right now… Sitting in front of that screen, frantically searching for the solution to my dating woes.
I was a 21 year old virgin…
I was the guy in my friends group who never got with girls…
I was the “great listener” labelled as a “catch” even though I STILL never had dates on the weekends…
Bottle service girls. Bartenders.
Instagram models…
These were the types of women I could only DREAM of. That is… Until I found out about the 3 “Secret Keys” that completely revolutionized my “game”…
So close your open tabs right now, and read closely because these 3 “keys” will allow you to:
Make women feel passive attraction for you without having to be witty, or clever in conversation…
Instantly own any room, or social situation, the moment you walk in…
Create powerful sexual tension between you and her — regardless of what you look like…
And the best part? This works…
EVEN IF you suck at flirting, or the idea of approaching
women scares the sh*t out of you…
How do I know this?
Well, I COULD tell you it’s what caused the Instagram model from above to leave her friends and approach ME that night…
But I’d much rather show you proof…
Take a look at what these “keys” have done for some of my top clients…
So for the next few minutes…
Get immediately download Patrick James – The Magnetic Personality Formula Re-Loaded
Forget everything you THINK you know
about “getting” women…
You won’t need it. In fact, any of the game tactics you USED to use…
(…you know, the ones that hardly ever work…)
They become over-kill when you apply what I’m about to show you…
So what are these 3 “Keys”, and how do they trump standard ‘game’ every time?
Well it all stems from a phrase my basketball coach used to say a lot…
“That was a million dollar move, and a ten cent finish.”
That little phrase implies ONE crucial lesson (and if you remember anything from this letter,
remember this)…
You can have all the best “moves” in the world… But it means NOTHING if you still can’t seal-the-deal.
Just like the basketball player who can dribble a ball until he’s blue in the face. If he can’t make the shot, nobody cares…
Yes, there is a time and place for
knowing that stuff. BUT…
If that’s the ONLY thing going for you, then just know what’s in store for you…
Your conversations with women will continue to fizzle out after just a few minutes of flirting, as she quickly loses interest…
Your texts will continue to go unanswered by the women you want…
…and you’ll be more frustrated than ever!
Because these are BAND-AID solutions to the bigger problem here.
Temporary fixes that mask the REAL issue…
Men are handing women the POWER in all of their
interactions, without even knowing it.
This is why doing any of the following can actually work against you:
Buying flowers for a girl and sending them to her work…
Buying drinks or dinner for her…
Confessing your feelings for her…
Complimenting her on her looks…
These are “Nice” guy mistakes that only work against you.
As a result, women lose attraction, and eventually mutter those words that we’ve all heard before… “I just don’t see you like that.”
Truth is…
Today, women look for subtle signs you’re a man
who is WORTHY of sleeping with…
Subtle signs that take her as little as 1 minute to figure out! (According to a recent study from researchers at UCLA)
Meaning that in LESS than 60 seconds, she will know whether she wants to sleep with you or not.
Now let me ask you a question…
Have you ever tried to stand in a room and appear “high status”, but STILL not get the girl you wanted?…
The reason why that happened is because the signs she’s wired to look for in men are much more subtle…
And when you get this right, she can’t help but be pulled towards you like a magnet.
With that said, displaying these subtle signs of “sex-worthiness” has become harder than ever — especially in today’s world.
Which brings me to…
How women TODAY actually decide which guys
they “Friend-Zone” or F*ck…
The reason most men STILL fail with women (even after they learn a few “pick up” tactics) is because women have their defenses up to that sort of stuff!
Because it’s not necessarily the “line” that attracts her…
It’s the PERSON who the line is coming from.
Just take a look at Casanova — the most famous seducer who ever lived…
He never studied the best “pickup” tactics to bed women…
Back in his day, he couldn’t run over to Google for answers:
But here’s what Casanova DID have going for him…
The 3 KEY Personality Traits That
Attract Women Like A Magnet…
You see, once you make the SWITCH from worrying what to say or do around women…
And you start to focus on WHO those words and actions are coming from (hint: YOU), then the “game” becomes easy.
Imagine it…
Rather than having to approach dozens of women every time you go out. They come to you…
Rather than going months without sex. A beautiful girl is ready and waiting for you to invite her over…
Rather than settling for the one girl who likes you…
You choose the girl YOU want from all your options…
And before you start to think these “attractive” personality traits are something you are “born with”… Stop it.
By now you know that I wasn’t “born” a natural charmer with women. I BECAME this way (and you can too)…
And it’s not about good looks, or having a bunch of zeros in your bank account either…
Just think about how many times you’ve seen a broke dude, walking arm-in-arm with a girl who is way out of his league!
To finally start getting these results in your own life, all it takes is a simple SHIFT in the way you interact with women…
That’s why, right now…
We’ve got to put the focus back on THE MAN YOU ARE at the core.
Your Personality.
And what if I told you there was a way?…
To drop all the games…
To drop all the “repelling” behaviors that drive her away…
And quickly BECOME the guy who she desires on a chemical level before you even say a word to her…
What if I told you I’ve cracked the code?…
To a simple 3-part formula that naturally attracts beautiful women AS A RESULT of who you actually are…
A formula that when applied to any social situation, instantly makes you magnetic to women…
A formula that makes HER the one going out of her way to compete for YOUR attention…
A formula that in under 1-minute, virtually unlocks the legs of any girl you use it on…
I have.
Introducing my most popular video training…
This is a formula that has been over 5 years in the making…
A formula that when installed into your everyday habits, you magnetically attract women without even trying.
HANDS DOWN. There is nothing more freeing
and rewarding… Than becoming Magnetic!
It’s the way you carry yourself, the way you speak, the way others respond to you. People will take notice immediately…
I’ve spend the last five years perfecting this so it works every time — no matter what you look like. No matter where you live. And no matter what your age is…
And to properly do that we have to mold who you are from the inside-out.
I found this formula by observing ALL of the most magnetic men I could find…
Get immediately download Patrick James – The Magnetic Personality Formula Re-Loaded
NBA all-stars. A-List Hollywood seducers.
And everyone in-between…
What shocked me is that women were NOT attracted to them because of their looks, or fashion sense…
What actually attracted women were a few certain habits these guys had. Certain BEHAVIORS they showed when interacting with people.
Behaviors that anybody could easily reproduce for themselves.
After studying these men and their habits, I narrowed it down to just THREE things they did consistently…
And once I got this down to a science I made it my moral duty to get this special formula out to the world.
So I brought together a very exclusive group of 9 guys from all over the country (one guy even came all the way from Mexico). And filmed everything…
We went on a deep dive for 3.5+ hours of RAW content.
Showing them everything I know about becoming MAGNETIC to the women you actually want.
This program is your inside look to this exact seminar…
You’ll feel like you’re right there in the room with us.
Here’s just a taste of what is you’ll get inside of the Magnetic Personality Formula…
The 60-second trick to sparking obsession in her (get this right and you’ll never need another “pickup line” or “routine” again)
The 3 “charmer” words that instantly make you the most alluring challenge she’s ever met (you only need to say these 3 words to her once, and she’ll be hooked)
The RIGHT way to compliment a girl so that she’s giddy with excitement, and starts chasing you
The sneaky “sex-trigger” PROVEN to make her chase you
Guys are supposed to approach girls, right?… Wrong! Discover how I had an Instagram model approach me in a Las Vegas nightclub, confess she thinks I’m “out of her league”, and pull me back to her place that same night
The 3 “silent killers” of female attraction (avoid these at all costs!)
Ryan Gosling’s flirting secret to creating a “soulmate fantasy” of you in her head. (Warning: this can make stage-5 clingers out of the most “hard-to-get” girls)
And if you think that’s good, I’m not stopping there.
I truly want you to succeed. With the Magnetic Personality Formula on your side, you’ll also discover:
The “ITDFR” filter that women constantly filter men through, and why if you don’t know how to pass through it, she’ll never sleep with you
Walt Disney’s secret to quickly making yourself memorable to anyone (Imagine meeting the hot girl that everybody pursues, the celebrity mentor you’ve always wanted, and they remember everything about you after meeting you just once)
The 30-second morning routine that makes you MAGNETIC socially for the rest of the day (you’re friends will drive themselves crazy trying to figure out your new secret)
The conversation hack doctors use that’ll get HER doing all of the talking (use this the next time you run out of things to say)
George Clooney’s “power gaze” that makes anything you say hook 100x harder (even if you’re not clever or witty)
The controversial productivity TRICK to 4x your efficiency in business, and social situations
The list could go on for days…
By this point you are probably wondering “What are these THREE ‘keys’ that make men magnetic?”
Well they are something that I call the 3 C’s of a Magnetic Personality…
Conviction, Composure, and Charisma – The 3 C’s of Magnetism…
Which is why, the first thing you’ll notice on the inside, is that I’ve broken this formula into 3 sections…
Secret Key #1 is Conviction. Showing you…
How to NEVER be needy in any social situation ever again
The tonality “switch” to automatically attract her WITHOUT having to micro-manage your voice
FIVE of my most guarded thought-loops that super-charged your confidence
The 5-minute social hack to getting out of your head. (Instantly give you a strong PRESENCE)
“7 Levels Deep” exercise that finds your life purpose FOR YOU in under 10-minutes
Magnetic people take BOLD, swift action. Moving forward with Confidence, and Certainty.
And if you’ve ever wondered how they do all of this, while making it look so effortless… Conviction is the answer.
That’s just the start, too. Because…
Secret Key #2 is Composure. Where you’ll find…
The “Owl Exercise” that BANISHES low self-esteem no matter how shy you are
The #1 trick to magnetic eye contact (EVEN IF eye contact is your weak point right now)
Kobe Bryant’s “warm-up” secret that CURES approach anxiety
The Body language Trigger PROVEN by Harvard researchers to boost confidence by up to 7x
11 ways to hold your Composure in any situation, no matter how high the stakes
Magnetic people keep their COOL under pressure. No matter how high the stakes are.
The things that affect MOST men’s emotions (like rejection, or “shit-tests” from women) never phase a man who is magnetic.
That’s why, inside of this formula, we’re going to INSTALL magnetic Composure into every fiber of your being.
Can it get much better than that?
Actually, yes it can…
Secret Key #3 is Charisma (my personal favorite)…
9 Secrets to UNLEASHING your natural Charisma (Yes, you already have Charisma)
The sneaky trick to instantly make anything you say 3x more Charming
How to create chemistry on command with anybody (Hint: this does NOT require nonsense like “finding commonalities” and “mirroring body language”)
How to create a “Reality Distortion Field” like Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton, and Russell Brand that magnetically draws people to you
The Top 10 Charisma KILLERS in conversation
Charisma is how magnetic men always tend to INJECT energy to every interaction (rather than sucking the energy out of it).
If you’ve struggled in the past with things like running out of things to say, or losing a girl’s interest over time…
Charisma is your answer. And the best part?
This is NOT something you are “born with”, it’s something you can BECOME as soon as tonight. I promise.
Combine these 3 magnetic personality traits exactly like I show you, and you’ll emit a VIBE that women sense the MOMENT they meet you…
A magnetic signal that instantly puts you on her sexual radar…
I have a lot more messages just like these, but you get the picture. Becoming MAGNETIC just makes life… Easier.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s still more in store…
Inside this RE-Loaded version of the Magnetic Personality Formula, I’ve decided to bring in a few of friends to help out. Each one of these guys is an expert in their field.
Let me know if you recognize these names…
FREE Gift #1 – Bonus Training:
“The Supermodel Lifestyle” ($149 Value)
Cold-approaching girls simply doesn’t work like it used to.
Women have their defenses up higher than ever. And it’s only getting worse.
That’s why I teamed up with my buddy (and well-known DJ) “Z” to teach you how to build up a SOCIAL CIRCLE that brings women to you.
Yes, the Magnetic Personality Formula RE-Loaded will start drawing women and opportunities to you faster than you can possibly imagine. But you still need a system to manage all of it.
So in this crucial bonus, here’s what you can expect:
How to meet higher quality women without ever having to “cold approach” them
The absolute best way to turn a “hook up” into a relationship (if you’re into that sort of thing)
3 Powerful Tools you can use to meet quality women (who you actually have interests in common with) in your city
Why having a “Social Circle” is the fastest way to 10x your dating life EVEN IF you’re not great with women yet
How to leverage your social circle towards being seen as the KING in your city
FREE Gift #2 – Bonus Training:
“Creating The Halo Effect” ($197 Value)
Style is a huge part of a woman’s first impression of you.
And if you’re projecting all the wrong things to her, she’ll immediately forget about you…
That’s why I brought in my buddy Ryan Magin.
He was recently hired by the NFL to consult players on how to dress for draft day… In his words, “Handsome is a choice. All it takes is understanding a few of the basics, and making a few tweaks from there.”
In his exclusive presentation, he reveals:
The “Street Sharp” method to always boldly stand out without looking try-hard (women will approach YOU if you do this)
The 3 PROVEN ways to make any outfit “handsome” (without spending a dime)
The 6 Core essentials that all outfits require, and why you’re messing up if you break the bank to fill your wardrobe
Why you should never wear the same outfit during the day that you wear at night, and what the key differences you need to know are
How to instantly be perceived as “High Status” (people will treat you like royalty)
Now like I said, a few of the guys who attended this seminar paid over $5,000 just to be there. That doesn’t even include their travel costs…
One guy even came across the border from MEXICO to be there!
And because I’ve made it my moral duty to make sure you get this area of your life handled, once and for all…
For you to gain access to this intel, you’re not going to pay $5000
Not even close.
There are rewards for being in my tribe. And one of them is that I’m generous (sometimes too generous)…
That means you’re not going to pay $5,000, or $2,500, or even $1,000. Why? Because you’re a member of my tribe. You’re one of my people!
Yes, this formula is worth that and more. But as my brother, a member of the #RawDatingAdvice family, I want to make this a no-brainer for you….
So when you click the button below NOW… as in RIGHT NOW…
You can join us inside of this life-altering program for…
A One-Time Payment Of Just $197 $27.
Yeah. I know. That’s crazy low.
In fact, the price is totally lopsided in your favor and it likely won’t happen again, but I’m ok with it if you are.
I don’t normally do this but…
The guys smart enough to grab their spot inside of this exclusive seminar TODAY are going to require one more thing…
When you join us today, you’re going to get a FREE 1-on-1 coaching call with me. Where we’ll come up with your very own personalized Action Plan for getting the most out of this formula – as soon as possible.
Why am I doing this for you? Because I want to make sure you have the proper guidance once you’ve started…
That’s right. You’re going to get…
60-minutes of personalized coaching from me, for FREE…
Having coached thousands of guys from 83 different countries around the world. I know exactly what it’s going to take to achieve your ideal dating/social life — no matter what city or country you live in.
Bottom line: I will get you the results you want.
Normally, to work with me 1-on-1 like this you’d have to invest $10k upfront. And that’s if you even make it onto my coaching roster in the first place.
The truth is, a lot of the guys who come to me for coaching get turned away simply because I’m never the first guy that people go to. I’m the last. If you’re coming to me for help, it’s because you’ve exhausted all of your resources, and are certain that I’m the only guy in the world who can help.
With that sort of power comes great responsibility… As well as a client roster that’s competitive to gain access to.
By simply grabbing your spot on the inside TODAY…
You’re going to get 60-minutes. With me. Forming a personalized action plan for you. At no extra cost.
Sounds like a no-brainer, right?
The last time I offered personalized coaching calls like this, the rush was so large that the waitlist to schedule one of these calls was 6 months long!
At this point, I hope you can tell how much I truly care about your success.
I truly am on a mission to make sure you stop handing your power over to women on a silver platter.
You’re not going to have to endure the pain of rejection after rejection.
Not knowing why the girls you want seem to never feel the same way about you.
We both know you are capable of much greater things.
And the only reason I can say that with so much conviction is because I’ve been in your shoes before…
I’ve worked my ASS off for over 7 years so that you don’t have to…
If you’ve read this far in the letter, you know you deserve to join us on the inside.
Do yourself a favor and start applying this fool-proof formula to your life by tonight.
This could be your last chance to ever see this material with your own eyes before it’s too late.
If you’ve ever been frustrated with women. Feeling stuck. Feeling like you know you’re meant for more…
Join us while you still can by clicking that button below, and let me personally help you burst past your barriers.
This is first come, first serve. You know what to do next…
What The Magnetic Personality Formula RE-Loaded is NOT:
Lets get exactly clear on what this program is not.
That way you’ll know whether or not you’re a good fit for the Magnetic Personality Formula RE-Loaded…
This program is NOT a bunch of lines and routines to memorize and repeat… We’re creating Deep Identity-Level Change here. Making you the most magnetic version of YOU. Just wait until you see the “7-Levels Deep” exercise in module 4. The guy who volunteered to do this exercise on camera had tears of JOY welling up in his eyes from the massive realizations he was having…
This program is NOT just rehashed material from the original book… Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve spent the last 5 years getting this formula down to a SCIENCE. This exclusive seminar includes all of the NEW advancements I’ve discovered that are actually working today, and WILL work for many years to come…
This program is NOT about trying to become “alpha”… Because “Fake It Till You Make It” is a MYTH! And the guys who pretend to be alpha are just overcompensating for insecurity…
This program is NOT about pretending to be high-energy or “extroverted”… Because being introverted can actually be a GOOD thing…
One of my mentors here in Scottsdale, AZ often talks about a trait he calls “Quiet Confidence”…
It’s the ONE trait that proves you don’t have to be the loudest, outgoing guy to be the most magnetic version of yourself.
I think Tim S. Grover (ex-trainer of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant) said it best…
“You don’t have to be loud to be the focus of attention.
Think of the Godfather, the quietest guy in the room, surrounded by everyone else waiting to see what he would do or say, and he never had to say a word to get his message across…
The loudest guy in the room is the one with the most to prove, and no way to prove it.”
And dude, I’ll tell you what…
Some of the most beautiful women you’ll sleep with…
You’ll attract them when you don’t feel super outgoing.
You don’t have to be the highest energy guy to get that life that you’re picturing in your head right now…
You just have to trust that this formula makes the subtle “sex-worthy” signs she’s looking for automatic.
The last thing I want is to force you to act like something you’re not… If that’s what you want in a program, then simply don’t join us on the inside.
It’s cool. This isn’t for everybody. BUT…
If you are FINALLY ready for the permanent solution to
getting the girls you actually want…
And become the guy who magnetically attracts and creates once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for himself and the people around him…
And just to prove how much I know this will work for you. I’m putting my money where my mouth is…
I’m going to let you try the entire Magnetic Personality Formula RE-Loaded system risk-free for a FULL 30 days with my 30-Day ACTION TAKERS guarantee…
If for whatever reason, you use this program, and it does not work for you…
No questions or hassles.
And you can even keep all of the bonuses as a thanks for giving this a shot…
I am that confident you’ll be TOTALLY satisfied socially, and sexually after going through this program just once.
That’s the power inside of this Formula…
(just listen to this message from one of my clients…)
“One of the best coaching experiences of my life!”
-Florjan A.
Let me PROVE to you how valuable this formula is, by getting it into your hands right now.
This is a no-brainer…
Yes, Patrick I Want To Be Unstoppably Magnetic
Your 87% Off VIP Discount Expires In:
A life of chasing women?…
Or a life of women chasing you?
By this point of the letter, I think it’s pretty obvious which one me and thousands of other guys have chosen.
This truly is a no-brainer.
What is there to lose?
You have 30 FULL days to try this out for yourself.
Just think about what the future MAGNETIC version of you would do in this moment…
Would he hesitate and possibly miss out on the BEST opportunity of his life? Or would he jump at this chance, without thinking twice?
Remember this: Hesitation is voluntarily losing. And you’re not a loser.
So what are you waiting for?! Make the right choice and join the rest of us on the inside of this exclusive seminar now…
Yes, Patrick I Want To Be Unstoppably Magnetic
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I look forward to hearing about your success.
See you at the top,
Patrick James, #RawDatingAdvice
P.S. Imagine it:
We live in a world today where it’s MORE acceptable to admit you watch porn… Than it is for you to admit that you typed “how to get a girl to like you” into Google last night.
For example, a few weeks ago I went to visit my friend at his work and you’ll never believe what I saw…
A bouquet of flowers get delivered to a cute girl sitting in her office…
The look of disgust on her face was like that of a child who received a pair of plaid pajamas on Christmas morning…
I pity the friend-zoned fool who dished out $90 for that public display of mediocrity.
Fact is: This is how MOST men try to attract the women they want. And the FAIL their entire lives.
And if you’re at a crossroads right now, just realize that you can go 1 of 2 ways…
1 – You can continue to go at this on your own…
Continuing to let society influence you and the way you think…
Maybe you’ll pick up a few of these “pick-up” tactics that coaches out there are teaching these days. But let’s face it…
You and I both know that those are mediocre solutions. It’s only a matter of time until you will be sitting right back where you are today.
That’s option one…
2 – Or you can click the button below, and join us on the inside…
Where the air is crisp, the colors are vibrant, and life is good.
You’ll finally be getting the girls you want. Attract the social life you want. And gain control over this area of your life.
No more band-aid tactics that barely work. No more false promises. We’re finally taking the focus off the “game tactics” and putting it back on YOU.
This is deep, identity level change, where you FINALLY become the most Charismatic, Confident, and Courageous version of yourself.
To me this is a no-brainer.
Your window of opportunity is here. Before it’s too late, join us today…
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