Ryan Holiday – Growth Hacker Marketing The Course
RYAN HOLIDAY is the bestselling author of Trust Me, I’m Lying; The Obstacle Is a Way; Ego Is Enemy; as well as other books about marketing, culture and the human condition. His works have been translated into twenty languages.-Eight languages, and appears everywhere from Fast Company to the Columbia Journalism Review. Brass Check, his company, has provided advice to companies like Google, TASER and Complex as well as multiplatinum artists and some of the most influential authors in the world. He lives in Austin Texas.
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A letter from Ryan Holiday
Best-Selling author
After launch Growth Hacker Marketing: A primer on the future of PR Marketing and Advertising I’ve had a lot of executives, marketing students and budding entrepreneurs ask about how to exactly apply growing hacking to what they’re doing.
The only way to learn is to actually do it. Ideally it’s set up as some type of apprenticeship program where you can work with someone experienced who knows what they’re doing.
Myriad of other things Growth Hacker Marketing Primer was focused on the mindset of growth hacking and each of the steps you’ll go through to iterate. Many people struggle with this initial question: How can I apply the new paradigms I’ve learned?
So to help bridge the gap, I decided to create a way to interact with the content that’s a bit more interactive–a place to get your hands dirty, a course.
This is part of being selfish. I think publishing and the way we interact with content is changing, so I’m excited about the possibility of courses as a way to increase the actual ability to see the impact of what I’m doing rather than just seeing some Amazon reviews.
Creating my own course gives me that ability to be really analytical about what content you’re actually engaging with in a much easier way.
When I launched my first website Growth Hacker MarketingIt started out as a simple eBook that I later adapted to a fully published book. This allowed me to gauge whether the book was in demand.
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Here’s what you can expect in the new book Ryan Holiday – Growth Hacker Marketing The Course