Sapien Medicine – Soul Restoration – Sub Navel Storage Center
What this does is work on repairing your core energy center, it seals and removes any energetic drainage cords and links that may be draining your energy or taking advantage of you.
This center is where your life force resides.
A lot of times you can have trouble accessing it properly due to blockages, fragmentation from emotional pain and being taken advantage off.
This can lead to a lot of health problems and speed the aging process.
This works towards sealing those leakages and external attachments that try to remove your energy (parasitic types of beings and people)
It strengthens the connection to the original source of that energy (call it god or the universe or the source of life itself) it enhances / widens that flow as well.
It has a compounded effect the more you use it.
But effects should be felt in the first few listens
(targets sub navel energy storage center)
Take back your own life force!
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