The Shift Network – Beyond the Veil Summit 2023
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.
― Walt Whitman
Are you seeking to understand more about the process we all go through as we die? Do you hope that your own consciousness (what some call the eternal soul) will continue to exist after your physical body is gone? Have you wondered how to ease the transition from this life to the afterlife for a loved one who is dying?
Instead of viewing death as something to be ignored until it catches up with you despite your best attempts to outrun it, what if you could instead — right now — access a peaceful feeling of open acceptance combined with a curiosity to learn more about the process… so you can help yourself and your loved ones make the most of that amazing crossover journey when the time comes?
There’s a growing community of heart-centered scientists and physicians, mediumship practitioners, hospice workers, and others who have explored the same questions and many of the most prominent of these experts have gathered to share their revelatory experiences and insightful methods of navigating “paranormal” experiences around death — and connecting safely and meaningfully with loved ones across the veil.
Suzanne is part of this team of presenters and will share:
“The Body is the Veil: How Can We Quiet It’s Demands and Access Higher Consciousness? at 12 pm Eastern Time on Monday, October 31.
When you register, you’ll see the full schedule of speakers and it is impressive! Don’t miss this opportunity to experience five full days with tens of thousands of people like YOU who are ready to explore growing scientific validation for paranormal experiences and other phenomena surrounding death and the afterlife.
There is an option to purchase a video package of the Summit and a great deal on the price will be offered when you register. This package includes some amazing extras and bonus gifts.
However, there is no requirement to purchase anything to attend the entire Summit. Register now to join me and tens of thousands of other kindred souls around the globe!
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